Hi, I have a similar question to yours.
I don’t know how to interpret the rvecs and tvecs.
My thread is here: Coordinate frame of 'r' and 't' vectors from cv2.calibrateCamera?
First I would like to know the coordinate frame of the rvecs and tvecs.
All the documentation says is that they are on the ‘calibration pattern coordinate frame’. Having an image of the axis and the 0,0,0 would be awesome.
(I guessed the 0,0,0, was on the first detected point on the pattern, with X and Y in openCV style → X towards the right and Y downwards, but if I try to plot in this style the camera pose it shows way off from the real position).
I hope someone could help us.
EDIT: Hey! I saw your Z is going rightwards, why? maybe we figure it out together, people seems to perceive our question as alien.