As part of my current project, I need to perform edge detection using canny edge detector on a given video. I know how to do this on a still image. But, Iam interetsed to know if there is any other approach to do this on a video instead of simply applying canny over all the frames one after the other.
Iam adding the sample code for edge detector using canny on a still image.
I tried the same approach over a video by reading all the frames one by one and I got the output as well.
I am actually interested to know is this the only approach to be followed incase of a video or is there any other approach for a video
#reading a still image image = cv2.imread(image_path) #converting to Grayscale gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #applying gaussian low pass filter gauss_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_image, kernel_size,sigmaX,sigmaY) #applying canny edge detector edges = cv2.Canny(gauss_image,lower_threshold, upper_threshold)