Hi all,
I have an ultrasonic sensor. I want to convert its distance readings to an image.
I have the readings stored in a numpy array but how do I construct the array so that it is a valid gray scale image?
Here is the code I have so far.
import maxSonarTTY
import numpy as np
import cv2
def scale_list(l, to_min, to_max):
return [scale_number(i, to_min, to_max, min(l), max(l)) for i in l]
while True:
if len(raw_sonar_readings)==64:
#using one of the functions found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/929103/convert-a-number-range-to-another-range-maintaining-ratio
cv2.imwrite('image_img.png', temp_array)
print("image written")
The data type is uint8. temp_array is a numpy array. I am feeding it the sensor values from a list.
My images are 0 bytes in size and from my reading, just feeding values into a numpy array and writing them out via imgwrite will not do the job since an additional channel for each pixel is missing.
I read posts at the following link. How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4? - Stack Overflow
I am scaling the sensor values to between 0 and 255.
“MRE” also means you must replace/mock all the serial stuff. nobody except you has this hardware device. insert the required data so the script runs standalone.
The shape of temp_array is 64.
I have created minimum reproducible code below.
import random
import maxSonarTTY
import numpy as np
import cv2
def scale_number(unscaled, to_min, to_max, from_min, from_max):
return (to_max-to_min)*(unscaled-from_min)/(from_max-from_min)+to_min
def scale_list(l, to_min, to_max):
return [scale_number(i, to_min, to_max, min(l), max(l)) for i in l]
#Warning, this program goes into an infinite loop. Break out of it by hitting ctrl+c
while True:
#m=maxSonarTTY.measure("/dev/ttyUSB0") #Commenting out this line to create a mre
m=random.uniform(500, 5000) #minik the distance values from the ultrasonic sensor
if len(raw_sonar_readings)==64:
#using one of the functions found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/929103/convert-a-number-range-to-another-range-maintaining-ratio
print("shape of array=",temp_array.shape)
cv2.imwrite('image_img.png', temp_array)
print("image written")
I need to create the image by hand so to speak because I eventually want to pass it to the Meijer algorithm. An implementation of the same using a camera is at the following link. https://www.seeingwithsound.com/hificode_OpenCV.py
I have made some progress after reading your messages and doing some more reading. See below for a minimum reusable implementation.
I have tried playing the array values which sort of works in the sense that I get different clicks as I move the sensor around.
The shape of the array is 64 64.
import sys
import random
import maxSonarTTY
import numpy as np
import cv2
import sounddevice as sd
def scale_number(unscaled, to_min, to_max, from_min, from_max):
return (to_max-to_min)*(unscaled-from_min)/(from_max-from_min)+to_min
def scale_list(l, to_min, to_max):
return [scale_number(i, to_min, to_max, min(l), max(l)) for i in l]
fs = 44100 #Warning, this program goes into an infinite loop. Break out of it by hitting ctrl+c
while True:
#m=maxSonarTTY.measure("/dev/ttyUSB0") #Commenting out this line to create a mre
m=random.uniform(500, 5000) #minik the distance values from the ultrasonic sensor
if len(raw_sonar_readings)==64:
#using one of the functions found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/929103/convert-a-number-range-to-another-range-maintaining-ratio
image_array=np.empty([64, 64],np.uint8)
for lc in range(len(scaled_readings)):
print("shape of array=",image_array.shape)
cv2.imwrite('image_img.png', image_array)
sd.play(np.array(raw_sonar_readings,np.uint8), fs)
print("image written")