Hi All,
I setup this simple setup in my room where I have a 2ft x 2ft board and a ball is thrown at it while I recorded video from two cameras at the same time. You can think of this as a POC we’re doing a POC to learn and understand how this works before we scale it up to faster speeds and hardware sync’d cameras.
There are about 100 frames in the video, and the sync might be SLIGHTLY off, although I’d like to understand a bit more before I go and spend money on HW sync cameras. Ideally we can get something working with ‘not perfect sync’ and then invest in hardware sync cameras.
Basically, my son and I are looking to figure out where the ball hit the target [x,y] & ideally also speed. For speed, we can add physical markers on the floor if that helps, or measure the exact dimensions of the ball, or anything else that might be needed.
The goal is we could track the position hit and ideally speed in a database and look at it over time, and count the number of pitches taken a day.
We’re not CV experts, but looking to learn, and even willing to hire some help to explain it to us how this all works.
Note, the camera lens’ were NOT parallel to each other but if you were to draw a straight line from their lens outwards they WOULD intersect. Is that an issue? The mounts we have are difficult to get perfectly parallel.
A few questions:
Using this video, do we have enough info to calculate the position in x/y? We know the dimensions of the target, ball, and I can get the distance between the two lens.
What additional info would we need to calculate the speed?
Does this require complicated math (we’re not experts) or relatively straight forward?
Can we do this without a trained model for detection? Maybe using the color, or the fact nothing else is moving in the frames?
Thanks all!
Looks like I can’t upload videos here, but here is a link: Index of /stereo