Calibrate projector without chess board

I would like to calibrate a projector to get a undistorted image on surface.
It is not possible to project a chess board because of many shadowed areas.
I have projected a grid 5x7 and measured the distortion manually in pixel for x any y. (See table below)

Now I need a way to calculate the InputArrays cameraMatrix and distCoeffs which are used in cv::undistort(…) -function.

Is there a way (in C++) to do this with the available parameters in table?

Thanks Egon

X Y deviation X deviation y
118 146 -4 -4
345 146 -3,5 -1
572 146 -1 0
799 146 1 -1
1026 146 0 -2,5
1253 146 -2 2
1480 146 -2 0,5
118 373 0,5 -4,5
345 373 1,5 1
572 373 3,5 3
799 373 5 -1
1026 373 4,5 -3,5
1253 373 2 0,5
1480 373 1 2,5
118 600 0 -4
345 600 0 4
572 600 0 4,5
799 600 0 0
1026 600 0 -6
1253 600 0 -1,5
1480 600 0 0,5
118 827 -0,5 -2
345 827 -2,5 3,5
572 827 -3,5 3
799 827 -5,5 -0,5
1026 827 -5 -4
1253 827 -2,5 -1,5
1480 827 -2 -0,5
118 1054 -2,5 1
345 1054 -2,5 3
572 1054 -2,5 1,5
799 1054 -2,5 -2
1026 1054 -2,5 -2
1253 1054 -2 0
1480 1054 -3 -3,5

I’d recommend plotting that data, with some exaggeration, to see what’s going on.

The numbers in the table are only an example. They may not be correct.
My question is how can I generate “cameraMatrix” and “distCoeffs” from such a table.

that is one view.

that’s certainly insufficient to calculate a camera matrix.