Camera2 byteArray to BGR uint8 mat conversion

I’m trying to convert byteArray from camera2 onImageAvailable listener to Mat object, and then passing it to an algorithm for dehazing in c++. I have tried different methods available for converting byteArray to Mat channel 3 object but whenever I split the mat object in 3 channels then all of them get filled with garbage data which further cause crash.

Here’re the different methods used for converting byte array to mat

    val bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
    val orig = Mat(bmp.height, bmp.width, CvType.CV_8UC3)
    val myBitmap32 = bmp.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true)

Using imread

        val matImage = Imgcodecs.imread(file!!.absolutePath,IMREAD_COLOR)

using decodebyte array

val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)

here’s c code for the JNICALL

dehazing(JNIEnv *env, jobject, jlong input, jlong output)
    cv::Mat& mInput = *((cv::Mat*) input);
    cv::Mat& mOutput = *((cv::Mat*) output);
    dehaze(mInput, mOutput);

and finally here’s a little chunk of c++ code

Mat dehazedSplit[3];
Mat ABGR[3];
Mat tBGR[3];
Mat imageBGR[3];
Mat blurredImageBGR[3];
// Normalize, blur image and extract dimensions
W = image.cols;
H = image.rows;

image.convertTo(image, CV_64FC3);
image = image / Scalar(255, 255, 255);

GaussianBlur(image, blurredImage, Size(41, 41), 30, 30);
split(blurredImage, blurredImageBGR);

// Estimate the A matrix
A = Mat(H, W, CV_64FC3, Scalar(1, 1, 1));

split(A, ABGR);

minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[0], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
ABGR[0] = Scalar(maxVal);
minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[1], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
ABGR[1] = Scalar(maxVal);
minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[2], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
ABGR[2] = Scalar(maxVal);

// Estimate the t matrix
t = Mat(H, W, CV_64FC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
split(t, tBGR);

tBGR[0] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[0].mul(Scalar(twBlue)) / ABGR[0]);
tBGR[1] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[1].mul(Scalar(twGreen)) / ABGR[1]);
tBGR[2] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[2].mul(Scalar(twRed)) / ABGR[2]);

Any suggestion/help will be appreciated.

i see various problems here:

ARGB has 4 channels, it wont fit into CV_8U3, so (i guess), it will ignore your allocation, and return a 4 channel Mat !

then, later:

again, input is ARGB, but blurredImageBGR has only 3 elems.
undefined behaviour, nasal demons, segfaults, anything can happen

blurredImageBGR[0] is A, not B or R, right ? you have to adapt the indexing

So issue starts from here

val orig = Mat(bmp.height, bmp.width, CvType.CV_8UC3)
    val myBitmap32 = bmp.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true)

what could be an alternate solution for converting it to BRG then?

and for remaining c++, its actually written by c++ dev of our team and according to him it works fine as expected.

so, problem is, you have an argb image on the java side and an expected bgr Mat on the c++ side.

maybe you can use mixChannels():

Mat argb2bgr(const Mat &m) {
	Mat _r(m.rows, m.cols, CV_8UC3);
	mixChannels({m}, {_r}, {1,2, 2,1, 3,0}); // drop a, swap r,b
    return _r;

you also dont need to split anything into channels:

Mat dehaze(const Mat &argb, Scalar tw=Scalar(0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) {
    // convert to rgb, [0...1]
	Mat image = argb2bgr(argb);
	image.convertTo(image, CV_64F, 1.0/255);

	GaussianBlur(image, blurred, Size(41, 41), 30, 30);
    // each channel on its own row
    Mat channels = blurred.reshape(1,; 

    // check for max along x axis
    Mat maxVals;
    reduce(channels, maxVals, 0, REDUCE_MAX, image.depth());

    Mat tbgr = (Scalar::all(1.0) - blurred.mul(tw)) / maxVals;

btw, do you have a link to the algorithm you try to implement here ?

I’ll try to implement your solution, and I guess the algo was written by developer himself.

Here’s complete source code.

int dehaze(Mat& image, Mat& result, double twBlue = 0.5, double twGreen = 0.5, double twRed = 0.1) {
    // MinMax function input placeholders
    double minVal;
    double maxVal;
    Point minLoc;
    Point maxLoc;
    // Image size placeholders
    int W;
    int H;
    // tresholding/rounding/clipping loop placeholders
    double valueBlue;
    double valueGreen;
    double valueRed;
    // intemediate array structure placehodlders
    Mat blurredImage;
    Mat A;
    Mat t;
    Mat dehazed;
    Mat dehazedSplit[3];
    Mat ABGR[3];
    Mat tBGR[3];
    Mat imageBGR[3];
    Mat blurredImageBGR[3];
    // Normalize, blur image and extract dimensions
    W = image.cols;
    H = image.rows;
    image.convertTo(image, CV_64FC3);
    image = image / Scalar(255, 255, 255);
    GaussianBlur(image, blurredImage, Size(41, 41), 30, 30);
    split(blurredImage, blurredImageBGR);

    // Estimate the A matrix
    A = Mat(H, W, CV_64FC3, Scalar(1, 1, 1));

    split(A, ABGR);
    minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[0], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
    ABGR[0] = Scalar(maxVal);
    minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[1], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
    ABGR[1] = Scalar(maxVal);
    minMaxLoc(blurredImageBGR[2], &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
    ABGR[2] = Scalar(maxVal);

    // Estimate the t matrix
    t = Mat(H, W, CV_64FC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
    split(t, tBGR);

    tBGR[0] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[0].mul(Scalar(twBlue)) / ABGR[0]);
    tBGR[1] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[1].mul(Scalar(twGreen)) / ABGR[1]);
    tBGR[2] = (Scalar(1) - blurredImageBGR[2].mul(Scalar(twRed)) / ABGR[2]);

    merge(tBGR, 3, t);
    merge(ABGR, 3, A);
    t.setTo(0.1, t < 0);

    // Estimate deahazed image
    dehazed = (image - A) / t + A;
    dehazed = dehazed.mul(Scalar(255, 255, 255));
    split(dehazed, dehazedSplit);
    split(image, imageBGR);

    // Clip and normalize image values
    for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
            valueBlue = abs(dehazedSplit[0].at<double>(i, j));
            valueGreen = abs(dehazedSplit[1].at<double>(i, j));
            valueRed = abs(dehazedSplit[2].at<double>(i, j));

            if (valueBlue > 255)
                valueBlue = 255;
            if (valueGreen > 255)
                valueGreen = 255;
            if (valueRed > 255)
                valueRed = 255;

            dehazedSplit[0].at<double>(i, j) = round(valueBlue);
            dehazedSplit[1].at<double>(i, j) = round(valueGreen);
            dehazedSplit[2].at<double>(i, j) = round(valueRed);

    merge(dehazedSplit, 3, dehazed);
    dehazed.convertTo(dehazed, CV_8UC3);
    result = dehazed;

    return 0;

I implemented this code and it seems to be working with the provided algo, but only with high ram phones else causing heap issue on 4gb ram devices.

Mat argb2bgr(const Mat &m) {
	Mat _r(m.rows, m.cols, CV_8UC3);
	mixChannels({m}, {_r}, {1,2, 2,1, 3,0}); // drop a, swap r,b
    return _r;

and there’s another issue, the output mat when converted to bitmap, shows a red shade.

Here’s the output image.

so, how do you convert it back ? (bgr vs rgb issue ?)

I’m creating a bitmap like this

val outBmp = createBitmap(matOutput.width(),matOutput.height(),Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)

and then converting using


try to convert to rgb before:

Imgproc.cvtColor(matOutput, matOutput, COLOR_BGR2RGB);
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So, I did this

        Imgproc.cvtColor(matOutput, matOutput, COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        val bmpOut = createBitmap(matOutput.width(), matOutput.height(), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)


and now output is in blue shade

Thanks Berak for all your help, dropping last channel worked for me and I guess while converting bitmap to mat it formed RGBA.

The solution:

    mixChannels({m}, {_r}, {0,0, 1,1, 2,2});  // drop a