Check to see if the circles are concentric with OpenCV

Hi everyone,

I’m working on an image that contains several concentric circles, and I’d like to verify if they are perfectly concentric using Python and OpenCV.

Here is a description of the image:

  • The outermost circle is black, likely the outer casing of a device.
  • The next circle is brighter, possibly metal.
  • Inside, there’s a white or light gray circular area, likely made of plastic.
  • At the center, there’s a small metallic dot, which is the plug of the device.

I’ve attempted to detect these circles using cv2.HoughCircles, but I not good for this task.

Has anyone worked on something similar or can give me some suggestions ? Thanks


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this is my post, but quite sad that I haven’t received any applicable advice for this problem. I hope that by posting on the OpenCV community, I’ll receive more helpful suggestions.