When i use the opencv circle function with a wide line width (e.g. 22 pix) and huge radius, i face the problem that the circle shows segmentation (see image with almost straight line/path. The bright, thin circles are the boarder circles and have line-width 1 for reference how the path should look).
With decreasing line-width, the segmentation starts to disappear.
Is there any way to get smooth circles with these parameters?
Alternatively i thought in drawing two small line-width circles and floodfill the space in between to get the same result as using one thick-lined circle.
However for my realtime application i wonder what is the fastest way.
Never tried to draw such circles, but you can draw them manually even without flood fill. Here’s a quick description of the method. Remember the formula of the circle:
Thank you for the very detailed description of the “manual” way.
By now i got the floodfill method implemented successfully.
I’m doing hard to estimate what will be the fastest method on my Jetson Nano running openCV with CUDA support enabled.