i have got a program where im getting multiple camera feeds in. (it is dynamic so it can vary between 1 to xx)
At this stage im only able to get all frames displayed individually.
how would i go about adding them all into the same frame aswell?
So i would like to still have them shown individually but also show them in one frame together.
if check_sync(queues, new_msg.getTimestamp()):
# print("FPS:", fps.fps())
# print('frames synced')
print("devices", len(devices))
for device in devices:
frames = {}
for stream in device['queue']:
frames[stream['name']] = stream['msgs'].pop(0).getData()
cv2.imshow(f"{stream['name']} - {device['mx']}",
cv2.imdecode(frames[stream['name']], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED))
# print('For mx', device['mx'], 'frames')
# print('frames', frames)