Compile CUDA on OpenCV

Dear all, I want to ask some help to build the CUDA version OpenCV in my device. Here are my environment and device details:

GPU: NVIDIA GetForce RTX 3060
CUDA: 12.1
Cudnn: 8.9.7
CMAKE: 3.26.3
Opencv: 4.10.0
Generator: Visual Studio 17 2022

When compiling, I selected both WITH_CUDA and OPENCV_DNN_CUDA, and then CUDA_ARC_BIN is set up as 8.6. After compiling, there is no error in CMAKE. But there is error when building on Visual Studio. It always say windows SDK 10.0.22 was not found. But when I check the installer of Visual Studio, I cannot find this SDK to install. Does anyone have relevent experience on this issue? Thank you guys