Copy cv::cuda::GpuMat in Cuda Kernel

I am looking to copy a GpuMat into a 1D array using a custom Kernel. I do know that opencv has function to perform the copy, I would like to do it this way since it will be extended to do some custom padding and convert the image from HWC to CHW. The issue I am having is that I am simply getting garbage after making the copy. My code is shown below.

In short, what I can tell is that when I am making the copy in the kernal from the GpuMat to the 1D array, I am misunderstanding how data is structured in the GpuMat, as a result it is not copying properly.

If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!!!



int main() {
   /* .... Some other code that is working just fine ....*/

   cv::cuda::GpuMat d_frame_resized; // This is for context.  You can assume that d_frame_resized contains a valid image (I verified by writing the image to disc) of dimension 320 * 640 * 3 (HWC).
  int out_height = 320;
  int out_width - 640;
    unsigned char * h_out = copy(&d_frame_resized, out_height, out_width);
  cv::Mat A(out_height, out_width, CV_8UC3, h_out);
  cv::imwrite("test.jpg", A); // This image is a bunch of garbage.
unsigned char * copy(
        cv::cuda::GpuMat* d_in,
        int in_height,
        int in_width
        ) {
    // Computing the output dimensions
    int out_height = in_height;
    int out_width = in_width;

    // Making sure the height and width is valid
    if (out_width <= 0 || out_height <= 0 || in_height <= 0 || in_width <= 0 || left_pad < 0 || right_pad < 0 || top_pad < 0 || bottom_pad < 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("INVALID: out_width <= 0 || out_height <= 0 || in_height <= 0 || in_width <= 0 || left_pad < 0 || right_pad < 0 || top_pad < 0 || bottom_pad < 0 in Cuda_Frame::crop_frame"));
    // NOTE: Size of image is dynamic, hence the dynamic determination of the threads.  If there is a better way to do this, please do let me know.

    // Defining initial grid dimensions
    dim3 gridDim(32, 32);

    // Defining initial block dimensions
    dim3 blockDim(iDivUp(out_width,gridDim.x), iDivUp(out_height,gridDim.y), 3);

    // Computing the number of threads per block
    int num_threads_per_block = blockDim.x * blockDim.y * 3;

    // Making the number of threads per block fit requirements
    while (num_threads_per_block > 512 || num_threads_per_block < 32) {

        // If there are too many threads in a block, we decrease the number of threads per block
        if (num_threads_per_block > 512) {
            gridDim.x *= 2;
            gridDim.y *= 2;

            blockDim.x = iDivUp(out_width,gridDim.x);
            blockDim.y = iDivUp(out_height,gridDim.y);
        else { // We increase the number of threads per block
            if (blockDim.x > 2 | blockDim.y > 2) {
                gridDim.x /= 2;
                gridDim.y /= 2;

                blockDim.x = iDivUp(out_width,gridDim.x);
                blockDim.y = iDivUp(out_height,gridDim.y);
            } else {

        num_threads_per_block = blockDim.x * blockDim.y * 3;

    // Pointer to the frame on device memory
    unsigned char* d_out;

    gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_out, sizeof(unsigned char) * (out_width) * (out_height) * 3));

    // Launching kernel

    gpuErrchk( cudaPeekAtLastError() );

    // Forcing thread to wait for crop
    gpuErrchk( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );

    // Creating space for the cropped frame on the host
    unsigned char * h_out = (unsigned char*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * out_width * out_height * 3);

    // Copying the cropped frame from the device to host
    gpuErrchk( cudaMemcpy(h_out, d_out, sizeof(unsigned char) * out_width * out_height * 3, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // Freeing the device output
    gpuErrchk( cudaFree(d_out));

    return h_out;

__global__ void pad_and_convert_to_chw_kernel(
        cv::cuda::PtrStepSzb input,
        unsigned char * output,
        int in_width,
        int in_height,
        int out_width,
        int out_height
) {

    // Computing the x position of the thread relative to the frame
    int out_x = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

    // Computing the y position of the thread relative to the frame
    int out_y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

    // Computing the z position of the thread relative to the frame
    int out_in_z = threadIdx.z;

    // Performing check to make sure thread position is inside frame
    if (out_x >= out_width || out_y >= out_height || out_in_z >= 3) {

    // Computing the x position of the thread relative to the original frame
    int in_x = out_x

    // Computing the y position of the thread relative to the original frame
    int in_y = out_y

    // Computing the index of the thread for the flattened original frame
    int in_pos = (in_y * input.step) + (in_x * 3) + out_in_z;

    // Computing the index of the thread for the flattened new frame
    int out_pos = (out_y * out_width) + (out_x * 3) + out_in_z;

    output[out_pos] = input[in_pos];

I am not sure this is an OpenCV question, have you tried the same approach on the host (using loops instead of grids of threads)?

I’ve only had a quick look at your code but it looks like you are launching one thread per BGR pixel and only copying the B but I may be wrong. Also won’t out_in_z always be 0?

thanks so much for the response!

So in regards to the threads, the block dim in the z dimension is set to three. This is done initially here:

. Thats how “out_in_z” will be 0,1, or 2, and as a result there will be 3 threads per BGR pixel.

One thing to note, I don’t believe it really is my “code” per say, be cause when I do an identical copy in the kernel with the exception that I copy the contents of the GpuMat to another GpuMat instead of a raw 1D array, it works just fine.

So that’s why I’m guessing I am miss-understanding the structure of a GpuMat in memory, specifically I think the issue is likely right around here inside the kernel.

This is why I’ve posted my question here instead of on say nvidia’s forum as the issue is likely a missunderstanding of how GpuMat is stored in memory and as a result I am not copying it properly.

Another interesting thing I’ve noticed as that when I force the source GpuMat to be continuous, the results are better. For context I’ve attached 2 pictures, 1 of the result I am getting when the source GpuMat is not continuous (the really bad jumbled of picture) and the other is the result I am getting when the source GpuMat is continuous (the not jumbled up picture but is incomplete).

Anyways I’ll try on the host side as you suggest and post an update.

So to confirm that I am understanding correctly how the underlying data is stored in a GpuMat, my understanding is that it is stored as follows:

1 Row has the following structure:

[B G R B G R … B G R unusedSpace] where each B/G/R occupies is single uchar and the unused space is there so that the row is a contiguous block of memory and that the memory occupied by the row matches the step size (i.e. Mat.step). Further in a single row we have a B G and R for every pixel in that row. I.e. if the image has width 640, then the row will be of size: sizeof(uchar) * 640 * 3 + some unused space.

Putting the rows together we have the following structure:

[B G R B G R … B G R unusedSpace]
[B G R B G R … B G R unusedSpace]
… (for every row in the image)
[B G R B G R … B G R unusedSpace]

such that a pointer to the 1st element in a row be achieved using the follow: + (row * Mat.step)

Is this all correct? If something doesn’t make sense please let me know.

the other picture

UPDATE: Figured it out. This:

needed to be:

int out_pos = (out_y * out_width * 3) + (out_x * 3) + out_in_z;
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