I want to switch to OpenCV from other software. To create a 3D image, I align 2 images in the Y axis and in rotation, but leaving the X axis alone, merge them, then crop the overlaps. I have some code from ChatGPT which successfully aligns the two images, but the cropping code only fixes the X axis The code looks reasonable to me, but I’m a newbie to this.
[edit] It doesn’t always fix the X axis either.
# input images are imageL and imageRaligned (same size)
# Determine the bounding box for the overlap
height, width = imageL.shape[:2]
# Calculate cropping margins (adjust as needed for accuracy)
x_min = max(0, int(matrix[0, 2]))
y_min = max(0, int(matrix[1, 2]))
x_max = width - x_min
y_max = height - y_min
# Crop both images to the overlapping region
imageLcrop = imageL[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]
imageRcrop = imageRaligned[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]