detector.findHands() HandTrackingModule Bug

Hey. Can you please help me out on this one. The error shows too many values to unpack.
CALCULATOR.PY - this is my unfinished code.
HandTrackingModule.Py - this is the imported module.
Can you please help me thanks!
Error : “line 143, in findDistance
x1, y1 = p1
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)”

that is a normal python error. it has nothing to do with OpenCV.

further, that’s an issue in a third-party library, namely the cvzone/Murtaza stuff.

please talk to the author.


wherever you are using that function “findDistance”, ensure that you give the point parameters (p1 and p2) lists of length 2… (convert the 3d points list by using [ :2])

when a list of lengths less or more than 2 are given, it shows error.