Hi, I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and installed opencv from command line like libopencv-contrib-dev libopencv-contrib4.2 libopencv-dev. I can find my opencv lib and header but not opencv-contrib stuff.
Just wondering the only way to use opencv_contib is to build from source? Thanks for your time.
thanks for your reply, actually, the opencv is installed by ROS. I do build from source with opencv and opencv_contrib. But it’s have a issue with ROS package cv_bridge since it’s always to link the lib like /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopencv_calib3d.so.4.2.0.
I’ve set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH. Also, set CMakelists.txt like below and all output are correct, which means cmake found the right version I installed.
I just want to make sure if opencv_contrib can be installed by command line libopencv-contrib4.2. Since I can find they were insatlled , but no header and lib are found in my machine.