Does a row of an image in cv::Mat have blank bytes?

Does a row of an image in cv::Mat have blank bytes?
If I want it doesn’t have blank bytes, continuous memory, how can I do?

No, there is no padding at the end of the row, if that was the question.
Normally the images are continuous in the memory, so you can compute directly the address of a pixel:

// get the address of pixel (x,y)
void *addr;
    addr =[0]*y+image.step[1]*x;

Submatrices are not continuous.

More details here: OpenCV: cv::Mat Class Reference

Yes, my question is padding or not.
So, is this code same as yours?

// get the address of pixel (x,y)
void *addr;
    addr =[1]*image.cols*y+image.step[1]*x;

Yes, it’s the same. Or if you know the element type (let’s say Vec3b for 3 channel 8 bit image):

Vec3b *addr = (Vec3b*)*y+x;

Ok, I got it!
Thank you very much