Does "COLOR_BGR2Lab" work with CV_32F?

Getting black image for 16 bit image.

void convert_BGR2Lab(Mat &bgrMat, Mat &labMat)
    if (bgrMat.depth() == CV_8U)
        cvtColor(bgrMat, labMat, COLOR_BGR2Lab);
    else if(bgrMat.depth() == CV_16U)
        cv::Mat float_image;
        bgrMat.convertTo(float_image, CV_32F, 1.0 / 65535.0);

        cv::Mat lab_image;
        cv::cvtColor(float_image, lab_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2Lab);

        lab_image.convertTo(labMat, CV_16U, 65535.0);


I am trying to convert CV_16U BGR to CV_16U Lab.

i have tried with converting to 8 bit first, and it works.

void convert_BGR2Lab(Mat &bgrMat, Mat &labMat)
        Mat bgr8bit;
        bgrMat.convertTo(bgr8bit, CV_8U, 1.0 / 256.0); 

        Mat lab8bit;
        cvtColor(bgr8bit, lab8bit, COLOR_BGR2Lab);

        lab8bit.convertTo(labMat, CV_16U, 256.0);

but when i convert it to 32 bit, it does not work
getting black image from the code below

void convert_BGR2Lab(Mat &bgrMat, Mat &labMat)
        cv::Mat float_image;
        bgrMat.convertTo(float_image, CV_32F, 1.0 / 65535.0);

        cv::Mat lab_image;
        cv::cvtColor(float_image, lab_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2Lab);

        lab_image.convertTo(labMat, CV_16U, 65535.0);

Any solution to convert 16 bit BGR to 16 bit Lab would be helpful.

Thank you.