Error android native load opencv build from source

I build opencv android follow by guider Guide build opencv android

In guide said just build with arm64-v8a or armeabi-v7acan use for other ABI
I builded with: ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a
Then it got error when android native load opencv with cmake:

Error while executing process Debug/4u6x2x51/arm64-v8a testopencv
opencv/build/lib/armeabi-v7a/ error adding symbols: File 
in wrong format

File Cmake in android native:

set(OpenCV_STATIC on)
set(OpenCV_DIR "path/opencv/build")
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

when i build with option ANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a
Then it got error when android native load opencv with cmake:

Error while executing process Debug/4u6x2x51/armeabi-v7a testopencv
opencv/build/lib/arm64-v8a/ error adding symbols: File 
in wrong format

Did i do something wrong or have other to build opencv android support all ABI?
thank you very much

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