Fatal error: opencv2/calib3d.hpp: No such file or directory

Trying to run camera calibration on vscode windows for the first time. Building went fine but debuging showed “fatal error: opencv2/calib3d.hpp: No such file or directory”.
Tried different opencv ver(4.2.0,3.4.16…), still not working. Using vscode,tried kit: vs community 2022 release -x86_amd64, vs2017-x86_amd64. cmake ver: 3.24.0-rc4

please, no useless screenshots of code here …

I’m new to this community and don’t know how to put code in my question, sry.

we actually need neither of it.
problem is not the code, but “how to configure your ide”

yeah, however someone asked me to put the code for the same question in another community, so I thought it will be necessary here, too. Tried many method and haven’t been solved yet.

noone can help with “many method”. focus on one, please.


idk crossposting is a thing, how do i delete this post?