Find postion of irregular item using 3 cameras around a dartboard

Hi all,

I’m working on a personal project where I want to have an automated dart counter. So the app should film the dartboard, recognize a new dart arrow, try and find it’s position which can be translated into a score. This is my first encounter with computer vision so it is a bit of a challenge.

What I’ve done is put pins around the dartboard to have fixed points to rectify the image so every camera angle gives the same output (clockwise: 20 > 6 > 3 > 11)

I think theoretically this must mean that the common point of all 3 different images is where the dart enters the board, thus giving me the location. I however have a lot of trouble ‘finding’ the dart programatically as it’s an irregular shape. Also it does not help that a dart may obstruct the lighting, so that gets recognized as a change as well + the dartboard may move ever so slightly on impact making it difficult to find only the edges of the dart.

Anyone with ideas on how to approach this problem? Thanks!

That’s a fun project

I would recommend something simple to start with.
Your dartboard is a plane, so plane to plane transformation is an homography. If you know the size of the dartboard a priori, you have everything you need. One camera would also be enough.
Then detecting the darts could be translated as comparing before/after? Obviously you can also train a dart object detector.

I wish you the best on your learning journey