Gray image. Empty data?

Hello, i’m new here but i found a problem which i can’t resolve.

void Image_To_Map::photo_patch_windows()
using namespace cv;
Mat img = imread(F_O.backslashes_to_slashes(pwstr_to_string(LoadFile(1))));
while (1)
imshow(“Image”, img);

It’s my code, i’m loading .png image with alpha channel. Problem is it doesn’t load RGBA values from image…

Size is corrent, only colors doesn’t.

you need a corresponding waitKey(20); after the imshow() ,
– else nothing gets rendered.

while (1)
imshow(“Image”, img);

Now it didn’t show a window also, with creating a namedWindow or without.

img.empty() is that true or not?

No, array isn’t empty. So img.empty() return false, size of is 307200 (correct value based on image size 640x480)

that’s a while-true loop with a waitKey. that should have worked. or you’re doing something else. please prepare a Minimal Reproducible Example.

what’s the value of img.shape?