How to find gray point?

Up to now I could not find a way to find the center of the dark-grey spot in the image. What is the best way to find the center point?



You need to provide your attempts that didn’t work lest to waste readers’ time.
For instance, have you tried the obvious thing: 1) subtract background (the way to subtract it, though, must be the one suggested in J.Chen, C.S.Brooks “Experimental and CFD simulation of mass transfer and hydrodynamics in a cylindrical bubble column”, Chem.Eng.Sc., 2021, namely, invert the image and the background, subtract them and invert the result, otherwise background subtraction wouldn’t work because your dot is a dark spot on a bright background), 2) apply a simple intensity threshold, 3) find the external contour, 4) find the center of the external contour?