I want to calculate the inscribed and circumscribed circle of a contour. The contour is those of this image of plant stem section :
by circumscribed circle I mean smallest circle outside the contour and by inscribed circle I mean largest circle inside the contour
Thank you
Bets regards
February 12, 2023, 9:53am
the outer one is minEnclosingCircle() , for the inner one you might try to fit a circle to the convexity defect points
inner: peak of distance transform
I’d also just go with circle fit through convexity detects. cheaper to compute and should be mathematically the same or within tolerance of noise.
I don’t understand, for circumscribed circle I succeeded but for inscribed circle not, and I don’t think convexity detects. could works
then use the peak of the distance transform
I don’t know what is it, have you a piece of code or tutorial on this please ?
I finally succeeded by this code :
Circle cercleInscrit(std::vectorcv::Point contour,Size imgSize) {
Mat dist_map;
double* minVal=new double;
double* maxVal=new double;
Point* minLoc=new Point;
Point* maxLoc=new Point;
//création d’une image binaire avec le contour rempli de blanc
Mat mask = Mat::zeros(imgSize, CV_8UC1);
vector<vector> polygones;
fillPoly(mask, polygones, Scalar(255));
//imwrite(“mask.jpg”, mask);
distanceTransform(mask, dist_map, DIST_L2, DIST_MASK_PRECISE);
minMaxLoc(dist_map, minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc);
Circle res(*maxVal, *maxLoc);
return res;
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February 17, 2023, 11:25am