CMake Error at (message):
Error generating file
Please post the full output from the CMake configuration stage, see
for an example.
using …
Ubuntu 22.04.1
gcc 11.3.0
cmake 3.22.1
nvidia 525.89.02
cuda 11.5
cudnn 8
(Attachment CMakeLists.txt is missing)
It looks like CUDA 11.5 doesn’t support gcc 11.3.0.
This might not be the reason for your issue but its a good place to start.
Hmm. These are both from the ubuntu repo. Shouldnt these have been verified?
Maybe they have, I’m only going off the docs. That said, and I am probably wrong here but, I can’t see a package manager refusing to install a package because you don’t have the version of gcc it requires, as you may install it at a later date.