Hi Everybody,
I have quite some experience in programming with Pascal / Delphi and C++ and a little bit with python.
My question here is:
Can OpenCV “watch” a normal computer-screen directly without the use of a camera that looks onto a real screen.
What I want to do is watching a website that shows my photovoltaik-modules.
If one of the modules has a fault a red attention-mark is shown on the module.
See picture below
So can OpenCV be configured to use a browser-window as the source of the picture and take action = send an email if on one of the modules a red attention-mark appears?
At the moment a simple “no” would be sufficient.
or in case of yes a short estimation hw much work is it to set up such a recognition.
I am completely new to openCV.
So what do you estimate how much time will it take to set up this
5 to 20 hours of work?
20 to 80 hours?
more than 80 hours.?
best regards Stefan