Memory leaks compiling C++ MFC App in debug mode

Hi guys,

i’m using OpenCV in a very simple C++ MFC application that i need to create with the following settings:

System information (version):

OpenCV => 4.5.4 and 4.3.0 Tested
Operating System / Platform => Windows 10 Pro
Compiler => : Visual studio 2019 pro

When i try to execute application in debug mode, it closes with a lot of (false?) memory leaks as shown below:

Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{1455} normal block at 0x0000016A80306860, 16 bytes long.
 Data: <                > D0 0B 16 C7 FE 7F 00 00 02 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD 
{977} normal block at 0x0000016A802F4C10, 16 bytes long.
 Data: <                > 10 0C 16 C7 FE 7F 00 00 01 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD 
{845} normal block at 0x0000016A802C3CE0, 80 bytes long.
 Data: <        `       > 02 01 00 00 CD CD CD CD 60 BC 87 C7 FE 7F 00 00 
{769} normal block at 0x0000016A802DCE50, 8 bytes long.
 Data: <h       > 68 D4 0D C7 FE 7F 00 00 
{514} normal block at 0x0000016A802C01A0, 64 bytes long.
 Data: <                > 01 00 CD CD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
{469} normal block at 0x0000016A802C4770, 40 bytes long.
 Data: < B, j    B, j   > A0 42 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 A0 42 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 
{468} normal block at 0x0000016A802C4690, 40 bytes long.
 Data: < F, j    F, j   > 20 46 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 20 46 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 
{467} normal block at 0x0000016A802D3BE0, 16 bytes long.
 Data: <0 , j           > 30 06 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
{466} normal block at 0x0000016A802C0620, 64 bytes long.
 Data: <  , j     , j   > 20 08 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 20 08 2C 80 6A 01 00 00 

Below a detail of project properties and the content of the OnInitDialog () method implemented:

Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++>General >Additional Include Directories > D:\pencv_build\include\build\include
Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > General > Additional Library Directories > D:\opencv_build\lib\Debug
Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies > opencv_core454d.lib;opencv_highgui454d.lib;opencv_imgcodecs454d.lib;opencv_imgproc454d.lib;opencv_videoio454d.lib
Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Delay Loaded Dlls > opencv_core454d.dll;opencv_highgui454d.dll;opencv_imgcodecs454d.dll;opencv_imgproc454d.dll;opencv_videoio454d.dll
BOOL CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnInitDialog()

	// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.

	// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.

	CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
	if (pSysMenu != nullptr)
		BOOL bNameValid;
		CString strAboutMenu;
		bNameValid = strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);
		if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
			pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);

	Mat image1;

	image1 = imread("C:/Users/domen/Desktop/TestImg.jpg");

	// Check for failure
	if (!image1.empty())
		String windowName = "ExampleImg"; //Name of the window

		namedWindow(windowName); // Create a window
		imshow(windowName, image1); // Show our image inside the created window.
		waitKey(0); // Wait for any keystroke in the window
		destroyWindow(windowName); //destroy the created window

	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon

	// TODO: Add extra initialization here

	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

As sugested by other users, i’ve tried to apply the method that using delay loaded DLL, but it does not work.
How can I fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.

I also have several memory leaks just loading opencv 4 in debug mode. Could someone give me any suggestion on how to avoid them? They are very annoying because they let me distract from real application memory leaks.
thank you

any progress on this? i too find it very annoying. :frowning: