Missing opencv dlls

OpenCV is attempting to load GTK-based libraries for its GUI (opencv_highgui_gtk4100_64.dll, opencv_highgui_gtk34100_64.dll, etc.), but it is failing to do so.

There are also failed attempts to load parallel processing libraries (like opencv_core_parallel_onetbb4100_64d.dll, opencv_core_parallel_tbb4100_64d.dll, and opencv_core_parallel_openmp4100_64d.dll)

Are these issue is impacting the functionality of my application or can i ignore these?
form of the message:
[ INFO:0@4.174] global plugin_loader.impl.hpp:67 cv::plugin::impl::DynamicLib::libraryLoad load C:\Program Files\OpenCV\build\x64\vc16\bin\opencv_core_parallel_onetbb4100_64d.dll => FAILED

The application is a 3d camera calibration sample, it makes the calibration and it works, but when i try to use fusion sample to connect whit 2d camera it gives me enum errors?

INFO means it’s not even a warning.

OpenCV has, or is in the process of gaining, a kind of runtime dispatch for some of its backends (highgui, videoio). What you’re seeing is its thought process. It will look for stuff that might be available, and if it isn’t, that’s fine.

I think you can modulate the verbosity of this. I don’t know off the top of my head.

specifics please.

potentially related: https://stackoverflow.com/staging-ground/79192142

Hello, I am having the same errors.
Did you find a solution?