Hi, so I’m new to using libraries and such as a whole but after my installation I am having issues with opening videos (the test for open video fails) and some trackers don’t exist like “TrackerKCF()”.
Ah, so it id need to rebuild opencv libs than because the version I grabbed didn’t have this folder. Would that lead to “VideoCapture” failing to function properly?
Dam, I was just missing a single .dll in my bin folder for my file. That worked, I’m sorry. The interesting bit is uhm, I have to have the .dll in the bin folder of my code location. Is that an error on path in my VS Code task file?
I would if I had a better grasp on coding and setting up libraries… If I was really smart I would have done this in python and saved myself the pain but I’m just a baby. Do you know how I would package and run this on another computer using only the .exe file?
that’s an illusion, sorry to say so.
you can reduce the dependancies by building a single openv_world lib or even static libs instead of dll’s, but you still need the ffmpeg dll, and, as long as you try with mngw, their c-runtime dll(s)