Objects measurement and data collection

Hi all!
I’m using OpenCV to run a project where I’m using a floor plan to recognize the rooms in the plan, get the measurement and then save the measures in a csv file.
I’ve implemented the OpenCV libraries and ran the script which successfully measured the object.

What I’m trying to do now is save the measures automatically in a csv file.

Can someone help with this?


I would recommend searching for “csv” on The Python Standard Library — Python 3.9.1 documentation

if that doesn’t answer your question, please be more detailed.

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HI @crackwitz
I was actually able to measure objects in a image using OpenCV , what I’m trying to do now is to somehow export the measurements from the image to an excel file so I can save the data.
makes sense?

As mentioned csv is what you want.


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if that’s not good enough, pandas is the more powerful but also more complex way to wrangle csv and excel files

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