Open cv cannot read hidden Qr Code

Hey, i am using the open cv library to detect and encrypt qr codes. Until now everything functions perfectly, but i got an idea of a project, where the open cv library, be able to detect hidden qr codes and decode them like this QR Code here.

i used threshholding and gray, and still nothing.

so… you want to debug opencv’s QR code detector on this? ok sure, go ahead.

does it find the finder patterns at least?

First of all thanks for the answer. Secondly, i gotta clarify something, i am using python and the Open cv library like said for the qr code. My project consists of a Monocle with a camera that takes the pic of the qr code, send it to the code file, and my code tries to encrypt the qr code. Part of my project, and i may say a big part of it, is that i have to get my code (Open-CV library) to encrypt hidden qr codes like that pic before. Should i send you snippets of my code ?