Opencv cudaopticalflow test prog generating errors

Typical test output is below.

[ RUN ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0.OpticalFlowNan/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description “Current configuration is not supported” thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0.OpticalFlowNan/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000 (108 ms)

These are the tests that fail…
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/BroxOpticalFlow.Regression/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0.Regression/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0.OpticalFlowNan/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_2_0.Regression/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000
[ FAILED ] CUDA_OptFlow/NvidiaOpticalFlow_2_0.OpticalFlowNan/0, where GetParam() = Quadro P3000

Is there a configuation item that I am missing?

It looks like your card is Pascal and the hardware optical flow unit was included from Turing onwards.

From the Optical Flow SDK website

NVIDIA GeForce, RTX and Tesla products with Turing(except TU117) and newer generation GPUs