So I’m trying to build the robot from the book ‘Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino’ I am about half way done and have all the parts now except for the extra mounting (which I’ll get later). I’m running into a problem with running OpenCV. I followed all the steps in the book but I run into problems where there’s no command found for ‘libjasper-dev libpng12-dev’ and libswscale-dev libv4l-dev in step 4 of this install, however I go through and continue with everything installed until I hit sudo python where I get an error saying the script doesn’t support python 2.7.
I compile the source code and it doesn’t take as long as I thought it should take… Well what am I missing?
Here’s my robot so far pretty cool huh had most of the parts just laying around then I got the chassis for it and the pi hat, please help me in so close I just need open cv to work and Python 2.7 to show in the menu.