Opencv_world490.lib missing during building opencv using CUDA 12.6 and cudnn

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error LNK1181 cannot open input file ‘…\lib\Release\opencv_world490.lib’ opencv_perf_wechat_qrcode C:\Users\Admin\Code\opevcv_cuda\opencv\build\modules\world\LINK 1

Getting the above error for most modules which are missing the opencv_world490.lib

I am installing opencv 4.9.0 using cuda 12.6 and cudnn 9.3.0

I’m assuming you have build errors explaining why opencv_world490.lib hasn’t been built before the link errors?

If so its because CUDA 12.6 was not supported until this PR

You need to build OpenCV against the latest commits from the 4.x branch of both the main and contrib repositories or downgrade your version of CUDA

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