Possible use ThinPlateSplineTransformer with 3D points?

Wanted to verify that cv2.createThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer does not work with 3D points correct?
Is there a way (or a different function) to extend it to 3D points?

e.g. tshape and sshape need to be 2Dxnumber_points

tps = cv2.createThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer()
tps.estimateTransformation (tshape, sshape, matches)


yes, that’s correct
(it is part of a 2d shape matching algorithm, and probably not meant to be used “standalone”)

just curious, – which problem are you trying to solve here ?

Here is an example with simpleITK:


there’s also a (not so simple, and well hidden) 3d tps here:

just curious, – which problem are you trying to solve here ?

Sorry I missed that, I need to register one stack to another stacks, I use Deep Learning to get landmarks.