Okay, trying to subtract element by element two matrixes. I need to save the value of the elements of one matrix to then subtract the value of the second matrix. The problem comes (I THINK) when I realize I do not know the type value of the elements of the matrix. When debugging it, it just says. DEBUG ERROR abort ()
Images of what Im doing (sorry I am starting in open cv and c++) : (the error debugging appears, as I said when trying to save in tmp variable.
Next time, it would be better to copy and paste the code segment rather than a photo to reproduce an error. So, can you check whether mapX and arenafondo objects have valid values/images or not? Are there any other error messages on console?
Alright, most probably you are trying to read an Mat object that you couldn’t actually create.
If you read an image, you might be using a relative path. Try to change this. As I said check those two objects: mapX and arenafondo
Ohh man I love you now is not stopping there!!! Thank god. And one question, why do you know (should I know) that I have to use uchar? can you give me some documentation about that matter?