Real time video single object motion detection

Hi all,

I’m new to OpenCV and before starting to dig too far into it, I’d like to get some advice if I can achieve my idea with this framework. Please note that I have an engineering background but no specific knowledge in CV (so far).

I’m looking at developing an application that can detect subtle eyelid / eyelash motion and trigger to an external application for further actions. Here what I envision:

  1. Identify eyelid / eyelash on the video stream (single object)
  2. Trigger an event when this object moves enough above noise threshold and motion is detected for a certain duration (1-2sec).
  3. Send the even to a 3rd party app like node-RED (or eventually process in Python)
    The detection has to be done real time, ideally using a video stream coming from a webcam or a phone.

I was questioning if roboflow could also help for that purpose.

Thank you in advance!

what kind of quality do you need here? low latency? high accuracy? is the picture of the eyes a byproduct of capturing the entire human, or can you get right up in the subject’s face with a camera?

since you said “stream from a phone”, I’m guessing that latency on the order of a second is acceptable?

OpenCV is a foundation. think of it as good for prototyping, but if you have really specific requirements (like low latency), you might have to replace parts with code that accesses your camera/stream in specific ways.

unless you approach this like a “machine vision” task (almost metrology), sure, some AI can help simplify your task (recognizing the appearance of the eye that you care about).