Removing blob detector causes frozen appearance

So I use the following code without a problem, a simple blob detector routine that appears as video. When I want to remove the blob detector and retain the module, the imshow displays only a single image without “video”; that is, it seems the image doesn’t update. Expected behavior was a single video image without blob detection. How do I get the latter scenario to “update”?

works fine:

if (typeMode == 2)
					Ptr<SimpleBlobDetector> detector = SimpleBlobDetector::create(params); 
					detector->detect(Imageraw, keypoints);
					drawKeypoints(Imageraw, keypoints, imgKeypoints, Scalar(0, 0, 255), DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
					undistort(imgKeypoints, imageUndistorted, cameraIntrinsic, distCoeffs);
					imshow("blob detector", imageUndistorted);


“Doesn’t work”. Frozen appearance, only imshow/waitKey:

if (typeMode == 2)
					imshow("no blob detector", imageUndistorted);

that’s not enough code to see what is going on.