Reproduce OpenCV pre-built binary opencv-*.exe exactly?

Can I please get the exact procedures and list of tooling required to exactly reproduce the pre-built self-extracting executables of opencv for Windows OS?

I am interested in (at least) how to create these specific versions (files):

  • opencv-3.4.1-vc14_vc15.exe
  • opencv-4.2.0-vc14_vc15.exe
  • opencv-4.5.0-vc14_vc15.exe
  • opencv-4.7.0-windows.exe

I want to reproduce exactly the folder structure and file organization.

Once I can reproduce such an off-the-shelf executable package, I want to repeat the process but with opencv-contrib added-in.

Thanks in advance!

first: ci-gha-workflow/.github/workflows/OCV-WinPack-4.x-W10.yaml at main · opencv/ci-gha-workflow · GitHub

don’t ask me where %CI_SCRIPTS%\winpack_create.cmd can be found. it’s not on github as far as I can tell. you might have to ask the core developers via Issues · opencv/ci-gha-workflow · GitHub