I want to compile and run a graph using the gapi module, with mimimal preprocessing, a simple net inference, without postprocessing, using tradition image I/O (not streaming). Unfortunately, there are no examples for that available. Can someone please share a working example?
this g-api tutorial covers dnn based face-detection, as well as gender/age classification
Thanks, but these examples are for video streaming. I want a very simple example, just doing one inference and compiling a graph, that can later be used to infere any cv::Mat.
indeed, it’s quite heavy on the streaming ;(
do you have OpenVino ? (it seems, it can only load ie models, bummer)
Yes, i compiled opencv (4.5.2) with inference engine (2020.04) and ngraph. I can infere the used net (an xml and a bin from OpenVINO) without gapi. However, when I try to put the inference into a graph, I get “Kernel org.opencv.dnn.infer was not found”. OS is Ubuntu 16.04.
imho, the example can be reduced for single images:
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/infer.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/infer/ie.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/cpu/gcpukernel.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/streaming/cap.hpp"
const std::string about =
"This is an OpenCV-based version of Security Barrier Camera example";
const std::string keys =
"{ h help | | print this help message }"
"{ input | | Path to an input img file }"
"{ fdm | | IE face detection model IR }"
"{ fdw | | IE face detection model weights }"
"{ fdd | | IE face detection device }";
namespace custom {
//! [G_API_NET]
// Face detector: takes one Mat, returns another Mat
G_API_NET(Faces, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "face-detector");
// SSD Post-processing function - this is not a network but a kernel.
// The kernel body is declared separately, this is just an interface.
// This operation takes two Mats (detections and the source image),
// and returns a vector of ROI (filtered by a default threshold).
// Threshold (or a class to select) may become a parameter, but since
// this kernel is custom, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
G_API_OP(PostProc, <cv::GArray<cv::Rect>(cv::GMat, cv::GMat)>, "custom.fd_postproc") {
static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc &, const cv::GMatDesc &) {
// This function is required for G-API engine to figure out
// what the output format is, given the input parameters.
// Since the output is an array (with a specific type),
// there's nothing to describe.
return cv::empty_array_desc();
// OpenCV-based implementation of the above kernel.
GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVPostProc, PostProc) {
static void run(const cv::Mat &in_ssd_result,
const cv::Mat &in_frame,
std::vector<cv::Rect> &out_faces) {
const int MAX_PROPOSALS = 200;
const int OBJECT_SIZE = 7;
const cv::Size upscale = in_frame.size();
const cv::Rect surface({0,0}, upscale);
const float *data = in_ssd_result.ptr<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PROPOSALS; i++) {
const float image_id = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 0]; // batch id
const float confidence = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 2];
const float rc_left = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 3];
const float rc_top = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 4];
const float rc_right = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 5];
const float rc_bottom = data[i * OBJECT_SIZE + 6];
if (image_id < 0.f) { // indicates end of detections
if (confidence < 0.5f) { // a hard-coded snapshot
// Convert floating-point coordinates to the absolute image
// frame coordinates; clip by the source image boundaries.
cv::Rect rc;
rc.x = static_cast<int>(rc_left * upscale.width);
rc.y = static_cast<int>(rc_top * upscale.height);
rc.width = static_cast<int>(rc_right * upscale.width) - rc.x;
rc.height = static_cast<int>(rc_bottom * upscale.height) - rc.y;
out_faces.push_back(rc & surface);
//! [Postproc]
} // namespace custom
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cv::CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv, keys);
if (cmd.has("help")) {
return 0;
const std::string input = cmd.get<std::string>("input");
// Express our processing pipeline. Lambda-based constructor
// is used to keep all temporary objects in a dedicated scope.
//! [GComputation]
cv::GComputation pp([]() {
// Declare an empty GMat - the beginning of the pipeline.
cv::GMat in;
// Run face detection on the input frame. Result is a single GMat,
// internally representing an 1x1x200x7 SSD output.
// This is a single-patch version of infer:
// - Inference is running on the whole input image;
// - Image is converted and resized to the network's expected format
// automatically.
cv::GMat detections = cv::gapi::infer<custom::Faces>(in);
// Parse SSD output to a list of ROI (rectangles) using
// a custom kernel. Note: parsing SSD may become a "standard" kernel.
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> faces = custom::PostProc::on(detections, in);
// Now specify the computation's boundaries - our pipeline consumes
// one images and produces one output.
return cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(in),
//! [GComputation]
// Note: it might be very useful to have dimensions loaded at this point!
// After our computation is defined, specify how it should be executed.
// Execution is defined by inference backends and kernel backends we use to
// compile the pipeline (it is a different step).
// Declare IE parameters for FaceDetection network. Note here custom::Face
// is the type name we specified in GAPI_NETWORK() previously.
// cv::gapi::ie::Params<> is a generic configuration description which is
// specialized to every particular network we use.
// OpenCV DNN backend will have its own parmater structure with settings
// relevant to OpenCV DNN module. Same applies to other possible inference
// backends...
//! [Param_Cfg]
auto det_net = cv::gapi::ie::Params<custom::Faces> {
cmd.get<std::string>("fdm"), // read cmd args: path to topology IR
cmd.get<std::string>("fdw"), // read cmd args: path to weights
cmd.get<std::string>("fdd"), // read cmd args: device specifier
// Form a kernel package (with a single OpenCV-based implementation of our
// post-processing) and a network package (holding our three networks).
auto kernels = cv::gapi::kernels<custom::OCVPostProc>();
auto networks = cv::gapi::networks(det_net);
{ // inference !
// Declare data objects we will be receiving from the pipeline.
cv::Mat in_frame = cv::imread("input"); // the input ! // The captured frame itself
std::vector<cv::Rect> faces; // Array of detected faces
cv::compile_args(kernels, networks));
// do something with the face rects
return 0;
however, without openvino, we get: G-API has been compiled without OpenVINO IE support
This code works! Thank you for figuring this out.
Next step would be figuring out, how to serialize the whole graph and deploy it somewhere, with no prior knowledge of the details. With a simple graph, it would be the following.
// Make simple graph
cv::GMat in;
cv:GMat out = cv::gapi::resize(in, cv::Size(), 0.01, 0.01);
auto p = cv::gapi::serialize(cv::GComputation(in, out));
std::ofstream fout(“gcomp.bin”, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
fout.write((const char*)&p[0], p.size()); fout.close();
// Load graph
cv::Mat imgIn = cv::Mat::ones(8000, 4000, CV_8U);
cv::Mat imgOut;
std::ifstream file(“gcomp.bin”, std::ios::binary);
std::streampos fileSize;
file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
fileSize = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<char> vec;
vec.insert(vec.begin(), std::istream_iterator<char>(file), std::istream_iterator<char>());
auto c = cv::gapi::deserialize<cv::GComputation>(vec);
c.apply(imgIn, imgOut);
Now this cannot be applied to the upper example, as the kernels are not known by the consumer. Maybe someone is also interested in this approach. I’ll post a solution if I find one. Trying ot contact contributors and authors on this issue (G-API : how is serialize/deserialize supposed to be used properly ? · Issue #17965 · opencv/opencv · GitHub).
Serialization has improved much since then, but may not include the inference part yet. Will follow-up on Github
How did you manage to compile gapi? I’m trying to compile OpenCV gapi but when I run my application I get an exception “G-API has been compiled without OpenVINO IE support”
Using cmake-gui to set params when selecting OpenVINO etc it doesn’t produce correct cmakelist cannot find something like “ocv.3rdparty.openvino”
Any help there?
i have not tried this in a while, – but what kind of model are you trying to use ?
there are indeed some, that require the openvino/IE backend
(and cannot be used without)
I’m not sure, I was given 2 .xml & .bin files to use. One is for recognizing license plates and the other faces.
Assuming they need OpenVINO, I have installed the runtime files and the dev package (although couldn’t find c++ version and only python), How do I compile OpenCV with OpenVINO support?
Because if I set through cmake-gui the engine and select support for OpenVINO I get the error I previously mentioned (ocv.3rdparty.openvino).
Do I need to download from github OpenVINO source and build it myself?
indeed, those are for IE only
wont work,imo. you need to build from src, with openvino (c++) sdk present
Yes you’re right.
Just downloaded from github the source code of OpenVINO & tried to compile, it requires OpenCV, but in order for me to build OpenCV I require OpenVINO
Full cycle
I need G-API from OpenCV to use the OpenVINO inference engine, but I cannot build OpenVINO without OpenCV
Am I the only one who programs in plain c++ without python? I have no need to python (OpenCV or other library)
Hey @hamlatzis.
You can download openvino archive for ubuntu20 from there: https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/repositories/openvino/packages/2022.2/linux/l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu20_2022.2.0.7713.af16ea1d79a_x86_64.tgz
or find for your os: Download Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
- Unpack archive and call:
source <OPENVINO_ROOT>/setupvars.sh
- Build
make -j8 opencv_gapi
Hello @lz1004. You can find usage of cv::gapi::infer
there: opencv/gapi_infer_ie_test.cpp at 4.x · opencv/opencv · GitHub