I am filming a table tennis table from two different angles. My end goal is to triangulate the 3d position of the ball relative to a coordinate system I define.
Because I know the ‘true’ world 3d coordinates of the locations of the table (corners, net posts), I have tried to do stereoCalibrate with those known coordinates and then providing the 2d pixel coordinates of those reference points from both cameras. However, this approach is giving me an extremely high RMSE of 272.87.
imgpoints_black = np.array([(954,353),(1486,373),
(1150,504)], dtype=np.float32)
imgpoints_blue = np.array([(560,322),(1085,314),
(888,460)], dtype=np.float32)
real_world_pts = np.array([(-76.25,137,0),(76.25,137,0),
(0,0,0)], dtype=np.float32)
width = 1920
height = 1080
criteria=(cv.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.001)
def stereo_calibrate(mtx0, dist0, mtx1, dist1):
ret, CM1, dist0, CM2, dist1, R, T, E, F = cv.stereoCalibrate([real_world_pts], [imgpoints_black], [imgpoints_blue], mtx0, dist0,
mtx1, dist1, (width, height), criteria = criteria)
print('rmse: ', ret)
return R, T
mtx0 = np.load('calib_black.npz')['mtx']
dist0 = np.load('calib_black.npz')['dist']
mtx1 = np.load('calib_blue.npz')['mtx']
dist1 = np.load('calib_blue.npz')['dist']
R,T = stereo_calibrate(mtx0=mtx0,dist0=dist0,
np.savez('stereo_calib_R_T_world.npz', R=R, T=T)
I am quite confident in my camera calibration parameters as they have very low RMSE from calibration.
Would appreciate any insight as to why this approach might not work, or what I can do to get it working?