Hey all,
First time here. I’ve been building web applications for over a decade as a part-time job/hobby. Recently I was accepted as a Ph.D student. My research progress is in an exploratory state at the moment, and I need to replicate a paper’s result to see if the introduced algorithm is good in my use case.
All my efforts to contact the author have been unsuccessful, and I’ve spent almost a month on this problem. So here I am, asking questions in this forum.
The paper is titled: Individual tooth region segmentation using modified watershed algorithm with morphological characteristic. (You can get the full text here)
In figure 1, A is G channel, B is red channel, C is called tooth complement (which is cv2.subtract(r,g)
in code).
I couldn’t figure out how to replicate the D based on the description from the paper. I’ve pasted the relevant parts below:
Emphatic tooth image was obtained in preprocessing using the RGB (red, green, blue) space from the difference on the gingival and oral tooth muscle. The tooth regions similarly appear on a histogram of the R, G, and B on the RGB space; however, a histogram of the R intensity appears, except for tooth regions. In summary, the complement and emphatic images of the tooth were acquired using the RGB space difference. Figure 1 shows the results of the experiment using the difference in the RGB space
Could you explain to me how was figure 1.D made? English explanation or python code would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time.