This code is suppose to isolate a particular color in an image.
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
const int max_value_H = 360 / 2;
const int max_value = 255;
const String window_detection_name = "Object Detection";
int low_H = 0, low_S = 0, low_V = 0;
int high_H = max_value_H, high_S = max_value, high_V = max_value;
static void on_low_H_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_H = min(high_H - 1, low_H);
setTrackbarPos("Low H", window_detection_name, low_H);
static void on_high_H_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_H = max(high_H, low_H + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High H", window_detection_name, high_H);
static void on_low_S_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_S = min(high_S - 1, low_S);
setTrackbarPos("Low S", window_detection_name, low_S);
static void on_high_S_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_S = max(high_S, low_S + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High S", window_detection_name, high_S);
static void on_low_V_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_V = min(high_V - 1, low_V);
setTrackbarPos("Low V", window_detection_name, low_V);
static void on_high_V_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_V = max(high_V, low_V + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High V", window_detection_name, high_V);
static void donothing(int, void*){ }
int main()
Mat result, frame, frame_HSV;
Mat frame_threshold;
frame = imread("D:/mmm.bmp");
createTrackbar("Low H", window_detection_name, &low_H, max_value_H, on_low_H_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High H", window_detection_name, &high_H, max_value_H, on_high_H_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("Low S", window_detection_name, &low_S, max_value, on_low_S_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High S", window_detection_name, &high_S, max_value, on_high_S_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("Low V", window_detection_name, &low_V, max_value, on_low_V_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High V", window_detection_name, &high_V, max_value, on_high_V_thresh_trackbar);
while (true) {
cvtColor(frame, frame_HSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
inRange(frame_HSV, Scalar(low_H, low_S, low_V), Scalar(high_H, high_S, high_V), frame_threshold);
bitwise_and(frame, frame, result, frame_threshold);
imshow(window_detection_name, result);
return 0;
However it does not change the image, no matter how much I move the trackbars.
If I change the imshow(window_detection_name, result); to imshow(window_detection_name, frame_threshold); it works more or less. But I want the actual image, not the black and white mask.
That means this bitwise operator is not working properly.
bitwise_and(frame, frame, result, frame_threshold);
If I remove all the trackbars and update the parameters manually in inrange function, everything works fine. Thus the problem is formed when I use trackbars with bitwise_and.
I picked most of the code from official tutorial.
I have tried using the getTrackbarPos. It has the exact same issue.
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
const int max_value_H = 360 / 2;
const int max_value = 255;
const String window_detection_name = "Object Detection";
int low_H = 0, low_S = 0, low_V = 0;
int high_H = max_value_H, high_S = max_value, high_V = max_value;
void donothing(int, void*){}
int main()
Mat result, frame, frame_HSV;
Mat frame_threshold;
frame = imread("D:/mmm.bmp");
createTrackbar("Low H", window_detection_name, &low_H, max_value_H, donothing);
createTrackbar("High H", window_detection_name, &high_H, max_value_H, donothing);
createTrackbar("Low S", window_detection_name, &low_S, max_value, donothing);
createTrackbar("High S", window_detection_name, &high_S, max_value, donothing);
createTrackbar("Low V", window_detection_name, &low_V, max_value, donothing);
createTrackbar("High V", window_detection_name, &high_V, max_value, donothing);
while (true) {
cvtColor(frame, frame_HSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
low_H = getTrackbarPos("Low H", window_detection_name);
low_S = getTrackbarPos("Low S", window_detection_name);
low_V = getTrackbarPos("Low V", window_detection_name);
high_H = getTrackbarPos("High H", window_detection_name);
high_S = getTrackbarPos("High S", window_detection_name);
high_V = getTrackbarPos("High V", window_detection_name);
inRange(frame_HSV, Scalar(low_H, low_S, low_V), Scalar(high_H, high_S, high_V), frame_threshold);
bitwise_and(frame, frame, result, frame_threshold);
imshow(window_detection_name, result);
return 0;
Any help is appreciated.