Trying to link c++ with static build opencv in xcode on mac os 10.15

I’ve built using opencv 4.5.1 static libs on MacOS Catalina, and I’m using a very simple test console app, in Xcode project, that displays a windows with text using opencv. After reading numerous articles I’ve now reduce my linker errors to the following 14:

Undefined symbol: dgels
Undefined symbol: dgeqrf
Undefined symbol: dgesdd
Undefined symbol: dgesv
Undefined symbol: dgetrf
Undefined symbol: dposv
Undefined symbol: dpotrf
Undefined symbol: sgels
Undefined symbol: sgeqrf
Undefined symbol: sgesdd
Undefined symbol: sgesv
Undefined symbol: sgetrf
Undefined symbol: sposv
Undefined symbol: spotrf

I’ve spent hours trying to find what framework or additional lib I need to include. I;m already including the opencv lib folder and the opencv4/3rdparty folders, which drastically reduced my link errors.

I also have the following frameworks from apple:


Please forgive me, this is my major 1st attempt at doing c++ on mac, I come from a windows background, so don’t hold this against me.


I don’t know mac os but all undefined symbols are relative to lapack