Using dnn+onnx in opencv4.9 outs error

Using opencv 4.7.0 for object detection, run the following inference:

ReadNetFromONNX (…)
Net. setPreferableBackend (DNN_BackEND-CUDA);
Net. setPreferableTarget (DNN_TARGetCUDA);
Net. setInput (blob);
Net. forward (outs, this. unconnectedOutLayersName);

The returned inference result is correct, and the coordinates, width, height, and confidence of each box are all correct.

But using opencv4.9.0 for inference, each box has a confidence level, but the coordinates and width and height are both 0.0
why? help me

without a link to your model I don’t know how to help you.

It’s not a problem with the model, any onnx model can trigger this bug.

Wait. Somebody certainly can solve your problem without model…

Version 4.9 ,The inference results of the ONNX model differ between GPU inference and CPU inference. · Issue #25512 · opencv/opencv · GitHub this same question

It’s not the same question

The inference results of the ONNX model differ between GPU inference and CPU inference


Using dnn+onnx in opencv4.9 outs error

but may be it’s the same user

It’s the same problem.
The same model, the same code (dnn+onnx+cuda), the same image to be inspected, but changing opencv4.7 to opencv4.9, the inference result will lose the target box coordinates and width and height.

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