Using Solvepnp with rvec fixed and only optimizing tvec?

Is it possible to use Solvepnp to only optimize for the camera translation vector while having a fixed rvec ?

You cannot fix the rotation and only refine for the translation with SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE.

But you can for sure code it yourself (or modify the OpenCV code):

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Some references:

As an exercise of style, I wanted to implement myself a pose refinement method, and estimating only the translation part (known rotation), or only the rotation or both.

Not sure if what I did is fully correct, but at least it was a good exercise.

If it can be useful to someone, I am happy.

#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import pinv
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
import cv2 as cv

class RefinementType(Enum):
    ROTATION = 2
    BOTH = 3

def project(pt3d, K):
    pt2d = K @ pt3d
    u = pt2d[0] / pt2d[2]
    v = pt2d[1] / pt2d[2]

    pt2d = np.empty((2,1))
    pt2d[0] = u
    pt2d[1] = v
    return pt2d

def calcJacobian(pt3d_objs, cTo_est, refinement_type):
    trans_idx_start = 0
    if refinement_type == RefinementType.TRANSLATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.ROTATION:
        J_cols = 3
        J_cols = 6
        trans_idx_start = 3
    J = np.empty((2*pt3d_objs.shape[0], J_cols))

    for i in range(pt3d_objs.shape[0]):
        pt3d = pt3d_objs[i,:]
        pt3d_in_cam = transform(pt3d, cTo_est)
        Zi = pt3d_in_cam[2]
        xi = pt3d_in_cam[0] / Zi
        yi = pt3d_in_cam[1] / Zi

        if refinement_type == RefinementType.ROTATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
            J[2*i, 0] = xi * yi
            J[2*i, 1] = -(1 + xi**2)
            J[2*i, 2] = yi

            J[2*i + 1, 0] = 1 + yi**2
            J[2*i + 1, 1] = -xi * yi
            J[2*i + 1, 2] = -xi

        if refinement_type == RefinementType.TRANSLATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
            J[2*i, trans_idx_start + 0] = -1 / Zi
            J[2*i, trans_idx_start + 1] = 0
            J[2*i, trans_idx_start + 2] = xi / Zi

            J[2*i + 1, trans_idx_start + 0] = 0
            J[2*i + 1, trans_idx_start + 1] = -1 / Zi
            J[2*i + 1, trans_idx_start + 2] = yi / Zi

    return J

def computeResiduals(pt2d_imgs_true, pt2d_imgs_est):
    residuals = (pt2d_imgs_true.ravel() - pt2d_imgs_est.ravel())
    return residuals

def transform(pt3d_obj, cTo):
    pt3d_obj_cam = pt3d_obj @ cTo[0:3, 0:3] + cTo[0:3, 3]
    return pt3d_obj_cam

def compute2d(pt3d_objs, cTo, K):
    pt3d_objs_in_cam = np.empty((4,3))
    for i in range(pt3d_objs.shape[0]):
        pt3d = pt3d_objs[i,:]
        pt3d_in_cam = transform(pt3d, cTo)
        pt3d_objs_in_cam[i,:] = pt3d_in_cam

    pt2d_imgs = np.empty((4,2))
    for i in range(pt3d_objs_in_cam.shape[0]):
        pt3d = pt3d_objs_in_cam[i,:]
        pt2d = project(pt3d, K)
        pt2d_imgs[i,:] = pt2d.ravel()

    return pt2d_imgs

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pose refinement testing.',
    parser.add_argument('--niters', type=int, default=10,
                        help='Number of iterations for the minimisation loop.')
    parser.add_argument('--theta-perturb', type=float, default=5.4583,
                        help='Perturbation value for theta (rotation part) in degree.')
    parser.add_argument('--u-perturb', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.03, -0.02, 0.044],
                        help='Perturbation value for u (rotation part).')
    parser.add_argument('--translation-perturb', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.2, 0.3, -0.4],
                        help='Perturbation value for translation.')
    parser.add_argument('--refinement', default='translation', choices=['translation', 'rotation', 'both'],
                        help='Type of refinement (translation, rotation, both), ex: translation will refineme only the translation part.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    niters = args.niters
    print(f"niters: {niters}")
    theta_perturb = args.theta_perturb
    print(f"theta perturbation: {theta_perturb}")
    u_perturb = args.u_perturb
    print(f"u perturbation: {u_perturb}")
    translation_perturb = args.translation_perturb
    print(f"translation perturbation: {translation_perturb}")
    if args.refinement == 'rotation':
        refinement_type = RefinementType.ROTATION
    elif args.refinement == 'both':
        refinement_type = RefinementType.BOTH
        refinement_type = RefinementType.TRANSLATION
    print(f"refinement type: {refinement_type}")

    K = np.eye(3)

    pt3d_objs = np.empty((4,3))
    pt3d_objs[0,0] = 2.5
    pt3d_objs[0,1] = 3.4
    pt3d_objs[0,2] = 10

    pt3d_objs[1,0] = -2.5
    pt3d_objs[1,1] = 2.75
    pt3d_objs[1,2] = 8.4

    pt3d_objs[2,0] = 1.4
    pt3d_objs[2,1] = 4.5
    pt3d_objs[2,2] = 3.7

    pt3d_objs[3,0] = -0.75
    pt3d_objs[3,1] = 3.5
    pt3d_objs[3,2] = 2.75

    theta_true = 24.5
    u_true = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    u_norm_true = u_true / np.linalg.norm(u_true)
    thetau_true = np.deg2rad(theta_true) * u_norm_true
    cRo_true, _ = cv.Rodrigues(thetau_true)
    cTo_true = np.eye(4)
    cTo_true[0:3, 0:3] = cRo_true
    cTo_true[0, 3] = -1.45
    cTo_true[1, 3] = 3.75
    cTo_true[2, 3] = 4.12
    print(f"thetau_true: {thetau_true}")

    cTo_est = np.eye(4)
    if refinement_type == RefinementType.ROTATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
        theta_est = theta_true + theta_perturb
        u_est = u_true + u_perturb
        u_norm_est = u_est / np.linalg.norm(u_est)
        thetau_est = np.deg2rad(theta_est) * u_norm_est
        cRo_est, _ = cv.Rodrigues(thetau_est)
        cTo_est[0:3, 0:3] = cRo_est
        cTo_est[0:3,3] = cTo_true[0:3,3]
    if refinement_type == RefinementType.TRANSLATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
        cTo_est[0:3, 0:3] = cTo_true[0:3, 0:3]
        cTo_est[0:3,3] = cTo_true[0:3,3] + translation_perturb

    pt2d_imgs_true = compute2d(pt3d_objs, cTo_true, K)
    # print(f"pt2d_imgs_true:\n{pt2d_imgs_true}")
    pt2d_imgs_est = compute2d(pt3d_objs, cTo_est, K)
    # print(f"pt2d_imgs_est:\n{pt2d_imgs_est}")
    err = computeResiduals(pt2d_imgs_true, pt2d_imgs_est)
    print(f"initial error: {np.linalg.norm(err)}")

    for nb in range(niters):
        print(f"\nIter: {nb}")
        J = calcJacobian(pt3d_objs, cTo_est, refinement_type)
        pt2d_imgs_est = compute2d(pt3d_objs, cTo_est, K)
        # print(f"pt2d_imgs_est:\n{pt2d_imgs_est}")
        err = computeResiduals(pt2d_imgs_true, pt2d_imgs_est)
        err_norm = np.linalg.norm(err)
        print(f"err_norm: {err_norm}")
        dq = -np.linalg.pinv(J) @ err
        print(f"dq: {dq}")

        if refinement_type == RefinementType.ROTATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
            rotation_vector_, _ = cv.Rodrigues(cTo_est[0:3, 0:3])
            rotation_vector = rotation_vector_.T
            rotation_vector -= dq[:3]
            R, _ = cv.Rodrigues(rotation_vector)
            cTo_est[0:3, 0:3] = R
        if refinement_type == RefinementType.TRANSLATION or refinement_type == RefinementType.BOTH:
            cTo_est[0:3,3] += dq if refinement_type == RefinementType.TRANSLATION else dq[3:]

        if err_norm < 1e-4:
            print("err_norm < 1e-4, break")


if __name__ == '__main__':
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On a similar topic: Feed known translation vector to SolvePnP

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