Video/Imagstitching assertion failed in Image blending

Hey guys,
I´m currently working on an implementation to use opencv stitching lib for video stitching.
Now I´m facing the problem that as soon as I try to feed the blender with data, an assertion fails with the following message.

“OpenCV(4.9.0) Error: Assertion failed (y == 0 || (data && dims >= 1 && (unsigned)y < (unsigned)size.p[0])) in cv::Mat::ptr, file D:\Repos\opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/mat.inl.hpp, line 715”

In this peace of code:

void Blender::feed(InputArray _img, InputArray _mask, Point tl)
    Mat img = _img.getMat();
    Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
    Mat dst = dst_.getMat(ACCESS_RW);
    Mat dst_mask = dst_mask_.getMat(ACCESS_RW);

    CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
    CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
    int dx = tl.x - dst_roi_.x;
    int dy = tl.y - dst_roi_.y;

    for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; ++y)
        const Point3_<short> *src_row = img.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
        --> Point3_<short> *dst_row = dst.ptr<Point3_<short> >(dy + y); //Here is the fail!
        const uchar *mask_row = mask.ptr<uchar>(y);
        uchar *dst_mask_row = dst_mask.ptr<uchar>(dy + y);

        for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; ++x)
            if (mask_row[x])
                dst_row[dx + x] = src_row[x];
            dst_mask_row[dx + x] |= mask_row[x];

y = 0 and dy = -110.

It looks like the assert fails because the data field is data="". But when I go back in the Callstack it looks like there is Data in cv::Mat.

Please if someone could help me.


Best regards
