- OpenCV => 4.5.2
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 20.04
- Compiler => Visual Studio Code (cmake)
- Cuda Version => 11.2
- GPU => GTX 1660 TI
- CPU => Ryzen 5 2600
- GPU ARCH => 7.5
- Cudnn Version => 8.2.1
I have built OpenCV over 10 times, and even went as far as to install the OS 5 times (This was to get a new fresh install of Linux to erase any mistakes I made), I have been on this problem for over a week, followed three installation guides on how to get OpenCV with Cuda support on DNN.
Here are the step by step guilds I followed.
I have tried cuda 10.1, 10.2, 11, 11.2 and 11.4 to no avail. I have tried different gpu arch and even build opencv with ever single arch at once yesterday, but I still get the same error after all of this.
Here is the error I am trying to solve:
[ WARN:0] global …/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp (1363) setUpNet DNN module was not built with CUDA backend; switching to CPU