Where can I see the version range of the corresponding modules used in the opencv4.8 compilation, including cuda, onnxruntime, and openvino

Where can I see the version range of the corresponding modules used in the opencv4.8 compilation, including cuda, onnxruntime, and openvino. Every compilation is a pile of errors. For example, this time I used onnxruntime 1.13.1. In cmake, there were no errors, but when compiling with VS2019, there were errors. Because it uses functions that do not exist in onnxruntime 1.13.1. So I want to know where to view the version range of the other party when compiling additional modules.

Screenshot of text cannot be indexed.
it is useless

Now for your problem :
cout << cv::getBuildInformation() <<endl;

I think you misunderstood my problem. The success of with onnx in cmake and the problem of generating Dynamic-link library in VS. Because I don’t know which version of onnxruntime to choose for cmake, I chose with onnx during cmake and it did not report an error.

cout << cv::getBuildInformation() <<endl;

This code is based on what is included in the opencv compilation, and what I want is how to select the corresponding onnxruntime version when cmake opencv with onnxruntime.

I have never used this option.
It seems that’s only used in gapi module

I think you can use your onnx version : there is no constraint in

version choose should be in ONNXRT_ROOT_DIR

There are restrictions, you can use opencv4.8.0 in conjunction with onnxruntime version 1.13.1. This is my environment, and the error code is posted above.