I think lots of users have the problem about zooming in/out and pan images through opencv window.
Therefore, I have created a c++ class to finish this job.
With your mouse wheel and some parameter setting, you can easily view images.
Here are visual effect:
Total version of this simple class
key part of the code:
void COpenCVWindowExt::RefreshImage ()
if (m_matSrc.empty ())
Mat matResize;
Size size (int (m_dNewScale * m_matSrc.cols), int (m_dNewScale * m_matSrc.rows));
resize (m_matSrc, matResize, size);
int iW = int (m_matSrc.cols * m_dInitialScale), iH = int (m_matSrc.rows * m_dInitialScale);
Rect rectShow (Point (m_iHorzScrollBarPos, m_iVertScrollBarPos), Size (iW, iH));
imshow (m_strWindowName, matResize (rectShow));