I have the average RGB value of a region of an image (‘child’ in this case) and after I find the best image that has the closest RGB value to the one in child , I want to create another image by replacing the pixels in the child image with the pixels in the matching image( and do this for each child/region of the original image). I tried this below. All the other methods work fine and I get an image where the first row of image regions is the desired output but then is just noise. If I change the img2.atcv::Vec3b(i,j)[0] to a constant value for example, it works. Anyone has any idea why this doesn’t work?
for(Node child: kids)
RGBvalues val= child.average(img,child.getX(),child.gety(),child.getW(),child.getH());
cv::Mat final;
final = comparerColorQuad(val,images,tree); // final image that matches best
for(int i = child.gety(); i < child.gety() + child.getH(); i++)
for(int j = child.getX(); j < child.getX() + child.getW(); j++)
{ cv::Vec3b pixelRGB=final.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j);