ChArUco Calibration with OpenCV.js

I am trying to calibrate a camera with a ChArUco board in OpenCV.js. I can do the detection fine, but calibrateCameraCharuco does not exist in OpenCV.js. I tried adding it to platforms/js/ like:

objdetect = {'': ['groupRectangles', 'getPredefinedDictionary', 'extendDictionary',
                  'drawDetectedMarkers', 'generateImageMarker', 'drawDetectedCornersCharuco',
                  'drawDetectedDiamonds', 'aruco_calibrateCameraCharuco' ...],

and building: emcmake python3 ./platforms/js/ build_js --cmake_option="-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib/modules"
but cv.calibrateCameraCharuco is undefined in Javascript.

Hi @sid220 why you added the calibrateCameraCharuco as aruco_calibrateCameraCharuco and not simply calibrateCameraCharuco?